1 module dsurf.cartesian;
3 import std.range;
4 import std.stdio; 
5 import std..string;
6 import std.algorithm;
7 import std.file;
8 import std.conv;
9 import std.math;
11 import mir.ndslice;
13 /***********************************
14 * Class CartesianSurface represents regular rectangular-cell surface
15 * Authors: Dmitriy Linev
16 * License: MIT
17 * Date: 2019-2020
18 */
19 class CartesianSurface  {
21     /**
22     * Default constructor, doesn't allocate memory for height map
23     */
24     this() pure {
25         m_xOrigin = 0;
26         m_yOrigin = 0;
27         m_dx = 0;
28         m_dy = 0;
29         m_nx = 0;
30         m_ny = 0;
31     }
33     /**
34     * Sets surface header and allocates memory for height map
35     */
37     /** 
38      * Sets surface header and allocates surface memory
39      * Params:
40      *   nx = number of nodes along X coordinate
41      *   ny = number of nodes along Y coordinate
42      *   xOrigin = surface origin X coordinate
43      *   yOrigin = surface origin Y coordinate
44      *   dx = surface increment (cell size) along X coordinate
45      *   dy = surface increment (cell size) along Y coordinate
46      */
47     void setHeader(int nx, int ny, double xOrigin, double yOrigin, double dx, double dy) pure  {
48         m_nx = nx;
49         m_ny = ny;
50         m_xOrigin = xOrigin;
51         m_yOrigin = yOrigin;
52         m_dx = dx;
53         m_dy = dy;
54         m_z = slice!double(nx, ny);
55     }
57     unittest {
58         CartesianSurface s1 = new CartesianSurface;
59         s1.setHeader(2, 2, 0, 0, 500, 500);
60         s1.m_z[] = 50;
61         for (int i = 0; i < s1.nx; i++) {
62             for (int j = 0; j < s1.ny; j++) {
63                 assert(s1.z[i][j] == 50);
64             }
65         }
66     }
68     /// Copy constructor, returns the exact copy of the given surface
69     this(CartesianSurface surface) pure {
70         this.setHeader(surface.nx, surface.ny, surface.xOrigin, surface.yOrigin, surface.dx, surface.dy);
71         this.m_z[] = surface.m_z[];
72     }
74     unittest {
75         CartesianSurface s1 = new CartesianSurface;
76         s1.setHeader(2, 2, 0, 0, 500, 500);
77         for (int i = 0; i < s1.nx; i++) {
78             for (int j = 0; j < s1.ny; j++) {
79                 s1.z[i][j] = 50;
80             }
81         }
83         CartesianSurface s2 = new CartesianSurface(s1);
84         for (int i = 0; i < s1.nx; i++) {
85             for (int j = 0; j < s1.ny; j++) {
86                 assert(s2.z[i][j] == 50);
87             }
88         }
90         for (int i = 0; i < s1.nx; i++) {
91             for (int j = 0; j < s1.ny; j++) {
92                 s2.z[i][j] = 10;
93             }
94         }
96         for (int i = 0; i < s1.nx; i++) {
97             for (int j = 0; j < s1.ny; j++) {
98                 assert(s2.z[i][j] == 10);
99             }
100         }
102         for (int i = 0; i < s1.nx; i++) {
103             for (int j = 0; j < s1.ny; j++) {
104                 assert(s1.z[i][j] == 50);
105             }
106         }
107     }
109     /// Returns X coordinate of surface origin
110     @property pure double xOrigin() const @safe @nogc { return m_xOrigin; }
112     /// Returns Y coordinate of surface origin
113     @property pure double yOrigin() const @safe @nogc { return m_yOrigin; }
115     /// Returns surface increment (cell size) along X axis
116     @property pure double dx() const @safe @nogc { return m_dx; }
118     /// Returns surface increment (cell size) along Y axis
119     @property pure double dy() const @safe @nogc { return m_dy; }
121     /// Returns number of nodes along X axis 
122     @property pure int nx() const @safe @nogc { return m_nx; }
124     /// Returns number of nodes along Y axis 
125     @property pure int ny() const @safe @nogc { return m_ny; }
128     /**
129     Method to access height map.
130     Returns: `Slice!(double*, 2)` containing surface's height map with dimensions nx * ny
131     Example:
132     ---
133     for (int i = 0; i < surface.nx; i++) {
134         for (int j = 0; j < surface.ny; j++) {
135             surface.z[i][j] = 0;
136         }
137     }
138     ---
139     */ 
140     @property Slice!(double*, 2) z() { return m_z; }  
142     /// Returns `true` if point with given coordinates is inside surface boundaries, otherwise returns `false`
143     bool isInsideSurface(double x, double y) const @nogc {
144         if (x < m_xOrigin || y < m_yOrigin || x > m_xOrigin + m_dx * (m_nx - 1) || y > m_yOrigin + m_dy * (m_ny - 1))
145             return false;
146         return true;
147     }
149     /// Returns cell index from a given `X` coordinate. Maximum number is `nx - 1`
150     /// Returns -1 if a given coordinate is outside the surface
151     int cellXIndex(double x) const {
152         if (x < m_xOrigin || x > m_xOrigin + m_dx * (m_nx - 1))
153             return -1;  //TODO throw?  
154         return  ((x - m_xOrigin) / m_dx).to!int;
155     }
157     /// Returns cell index from a given `Y` coordinate. Maximum number is `ny - 1`
158     /// Returns `-1` if a given coordinate is outside the surface
159     int cellYIndex(double y) const {
160         if (y < m_yOrigin || y > m_yOrigin + m_dy * (m_ny - 1))
161             return -1;   //TODO throw? 
162         return ((y - m_yOrigin) / m_dy).to!int;
163     }
165     unittest {
166         CartesianSurface surface = new CartesianSurface;
167         surface.setHeader(10, 10, 0, 1000, 500, 500);
168         assert(surface.cellXIndex(-1000) == -1);
169         assert(surface.cellYIndex(-1000) == -1);
170         assert(surface.cellXIndex(0) == 0);
171         assert(surface.cellYIndex(1000) == 0);
172         assert(surface.cellXIndex(550) == 1);
173         assert(surface.cellYIndex(1550) == 1);
174         assert(surface.cellXIndex(5000) == -1);
175         assert(surface.cellYIndex(6000) == -1);
176     }
178     /// Returns z value of a point with given coordinate using bilinear interpolation
179     double getZ(double x, double y) const {
180         if (!isInsideSurface(x, y))
181             return double.nan;
182         immutable int i = cellXIndex(x);
183         immutable int j = cellYIndex(y);
185         if (i == m_nx - 1 && j == m_ny - 1)  //top right corner
186             return m_z[$ - 1][$ - 1];
187         else if (i == m_nx - 1) {   //right edge
188             return m_z[i][j] + (m_z[i][j + 1] - m_z[i][j]) / m_dy * (y - (m_yOrigin + j * m_dy));
189         }
190         else if (j == m_ny - 1) {   //top edge
191             return m_z[i][j] + (m_z[i + 1][j] - m_z[i][j]) / m_dx * (x - (m_xOrigin + i * m_dx));
192         }
194         //z: top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right
195         immutable double ztl = m_z[i][j + 1];
196         immutable double zbl = m_z[i][j];
197         immutable double ztr = m_z[i + 1][j + 1];
198         immutable double zbr = m_z[i + 1][j];
200         //FIXME handle blanks
201         immutable double z1 = (m_xOrigin + (i + 1) * m_dx - x) / dx * zbl + 
202                           (x - (m_xOrigin + i * m_dx)) / dx * zbr;
203         immutable double z2 = (m_xOrigin + (i + 1) * m_dx - x) / dx * ztl + 
204                           (x - (m_xOrigin + i * m_dx)) / dx * ztr;
205         return (m_yOrigin + (j + 1) * m_dy - y) / m_dy * z1 + 
206                (y - (m_yOrigin + j * m_dy)) / m_dy * z2;
207     }
209     /// Operators +=, -=, *=, /= overloading for two surfaces
210     CartesianSurface opOpAssign(string op)(CartesianSurface rhs) {
211         for (int i = 0; i < m_nx; i++) {
212             for (int j = 0; j < m_ny; j++) {
213                 immutable double x = m_xOrigin + i * dx;
214                 immutable double y = m_yOrigin + j * dy;
215                 immutable double rhsz = rhs.getZ(x, y);
216                 if (isNaN(rhsz))
217                     continue;
218                 static if (op == "+") {
219                     m_z[i][j] += rhsz;
220                 }
221                 else static if (op == "-") {
222                     m_z[i][j] -= rhsz;
223                 }
224                 else static if (op == "*") {
225                     m_z[i][j] *= rhsz;
226                 }
227                 else static if (op == "/") {
228                     if (abs(rhsz) < 1e-9)
229                         m_z[i][j] = math.nan;
230                     else
231                         m_z[i][j] -= rhsz;
232                 }
233                 else static assert(0, "Operator "~op~" not implemented");
234             }
235         }
236         return this;
237     }
239     /// Operators +, -, *, / overloading for two surfaces
240     CartesianSurface opBinary(string op)(CartesianSurface rhs) {
241         CartesianSurface result = new CartesianSurface(this);
242         static if (op == "+") {
243             result += rhs;
244         }
245         else static if (op == "-") {
246             result -= rhs;
247         }
248         else static if (op == "*") {
249             result *= result;
250         }
251         else static if (op == "/") {
252             result /= rhs;
253         }
254         else static assert(0, "Operator "~op~" not implemented");
255         return result;
256     }
258     /// Operators +=, -=, *=, /= overloading for a surface and a fixed value
259     CartesianSurface opOpAssign(string op)(double rhs) {
260         for (int i = 0; i < m_nx; i++) {
261             for (int j = 0; j < m_ny; j++) {
262                 static if (op == "+") {
263                     m_z[i][j] += rhs;
264                 }
265                 else static if (op == "-") {
266                     m_z[i][j] -= rhs;
267                 }
268                 else static if (op == "*") {
269                     m_z[i][j] *= rhs;
270                 }
271                 else static if (op == "/") {
272                     m_z[i][j] -= rhs;
273                 }
274                 else static assert(0, "Operator "~op~" not implemented");
275             }
276         }
277         return this;
279     }
281     /// Operators +, -, *, / overloading for a surface and a fixed value
282     CartesianSurface opBinary(string op)(double rhs) {
283         CartesianSurface result = new CartesianSurface(this);
284         static if (op == "+") {
285             result += rhs;
286         }
287         else static if (op == "-") {
288             result -= rhs;
289         }
290         else static if (op == "*") {
291             result *= result;
292         }
293         else static if (op == "/") {
294             result /= rhs;
295         }
296         else static assert(0, "Operator "~op~" not implemented");
297         return result;
298     }
300 private:
301     Slice!(double*, 2) m_z;
302     double m_xOrigin;
303     double m_yOrigin;
304     double m_dx;
305     double m_dy;
306     int m_nx;
307     int m_ny;
308 }
310 /** 
311  * Loads `surface` from file trying to detect format automatically
312  * Params:
313  *   surface = `CartesianSurface` to load data to
314  *   fileName = Path to file for loading
315  * Currently supported formats are CPS3 ASCII and ZMAP+
316  */
317 void loadFromFile(CartesianSurface surface, string fileName) {
318     immutable auto format = surfaceFormat(fileName);
319     if (format == "cps")
320         loadFromCps3Ascii(surface, fileName);
321     else if (format == "zmap")
322         loadFromZmap(surface, fileName);
323     else
324         throw new FileException("Unknown surface format");
325 }
327 /** 
328  * Loads `surface` from file of CPS3 ASCII format
329  * Params:
330  *   surface = `CartesianSurface` to load data to
331  *   fileName = Path to file for loading
332  */
333 void loadFromCps3Ascii(CartesianSurface surface, string fileName) {
334     File file = File(fileName, "r");
335     bool readingHeader = true;
336     int i = -1;
337     int j = -1;
338     double xOrigin = -1, yOrigin = -1;
339     double dx = -1, dy = -1;
340     int nx = -1, ny = -1;
341     double blank = 1e31;
342     while(!file.eof()) {
343         string line = file.readln().chomp().replace("\"", "");
344         if (!line)
345             continue;
346         if (readingHeader) {
347             auto words = line.split();
348             if (words[0] == "FSASCI") {
349                 blank = words[$ - 1].to!double;
350             }
351             if (words[0] == "FSLIMI") {
352                 xOrigin = words[1].to!double;
353                 yOrigin = words[3].to!double;
354             }
355             else if (words[0] == "FSNROW") {
356                 nx = words[2].to!int;
357                 ny = words[1].to!int;
358             }
359             else if (words[0] == "FSXINC") {
360                 dx = words[1].to!double;
361                 dy = words[2].to!double;
362                 readingHeader = false;
363                 surface.setHeader(nx, ny, xOrigin, yOrigin, dx, dy);
364                 i = 0;
365                 j = ny - 1;
366             }
367         }
368         else {
369             if (i < 0 || j < 0)
370                 throw new Exception("Invalid index");  //TODO add some information
371             auto words = line.split();
372             if (words[0].startsWith("->"))  //petrel specific
373                 continue;
374             foreach (word; words) {
375                 double value = 0;
376                 try
377                     value = to!double(word);
378                 catch (ConvException e)
379                     value = double.nan;
380                 if (value == blank)
381                     surface.z[i][j] = double.nan;
382                 else
383                     surface.z[i][j] = value;
385                 j--;
386                 if (j < 0) {
387                     i++;
388                     j = surface.ny() - 1;
389                 }
390             }
391         }
392     }
393     file.close();
394 }
396 /** 
397  * Loads `surface` from file of ZMap+ ASCII format
398  * Params:
399  *   surface = `CartesianSurface` to load data to
400  *   fileName = Path to file for loading
401  */
402 void loadFromZmap(CartesianSurface surface, string fileName) {
403     File file = File(fileName, "r");
404     bool readingHeader = true;
405     int i = -1;
406     int j = -1;
407     double xOrigin = -1, yOrigin = -1;
408     double xMax = -1, yMax = -1;
409     double dx = -1, dy = -1;
410     int nx = -1, ny = -1;
411     double blank = double.nan;
412     while(!file.eof()) {
413         string line = file.readln().chomp().replace("\"", "");
414         if (readingHeader) {
415         if (line.startsWith("!"))
416             continue;
417             string [] words = line.replace(",", "").split();
418             if (isNaN(blank)) {
419                 if (line.startsWith("@"))
420                     continue;
421                 blank = words[1].to!double;
422             }
423             else if (nx < 0) {
424                 nx = words[1].to!int;
425                 ny = words[0].to!int;
426                 xOrigin = words[2].to!double;
427                 yOrigin = words[4].to!double;
428                 xMax = words[3].to!double;
429                 yMax = words[5].to!double;
430             }
431             else if (dx < 0) {
432                 dx = words[0].to!double;
433                 dy = words[1].to!double;
434                 if (approxEqual(0.0, dx, 0.0) || approxEqual(0.0, dy, 0.0)) {
435                     dx = (xMax - xOrigin) / (nx - 1);
436                     dy = (yMax - yOrigin) / (ny - 1);
437                 }
438             }
439             else if (line.startsWith("@")) {
440                 surface.setHeader(nx, ny, xOrigin, yOrigin, dx, dy);
441                 readingHeader = false;
442                 i = 0;
443                 j = ny - 1;
444             }
445         }
446         else {
447             if (i < 0 || j < 0)
448                 throw new Exception("Invalid index");  //TODO add some information
449             auto words = line.split();
450             if (words.empty)
451                 continue;
452             if (words[0].startsWith("+"))  //RMS specific
453                 continue;
454             foreach (word; words) {
455                 double value = 0;
456                 try
457                     value = to!double(word);
458                 catch (ConvException e)
459                     value = double.nan;
460                 if (value == blank)
461                     surface.z[i][j] = double.nan;
462                 else
463                     surface.z[i][j] = value;
465                 j--;
466                 if (j < 0) {
467                     i++;
468                     j = surface.ny() - 1;
469                 }
470             }
471         }
472     }
473 }
476 /** 
477  * Saves `surface` to file using specified `format`
478  * Params:
479  *   surface = surface to save
480  *   fileName = path to output file
481  *   format = format to save surface to. Currently supported formats for export are: CPS3 ASCII
482  */
483 void saveToFile(CartesianSurface surface, string fileName, string format) {
484         saveToCps3Ascii(surface, fileName);
485     if (format.startsWith("cps".toLower)) 
486         saveToCps3Ascii(surface, fileName);
487     else 
488         throw new FileException(format ~ " cartesian surface format is not supported for export");
489 }
491 /** 
492  * Saves `surface` to file using CPS3 ASCII format
493  * Params:
494  *   surface = surface to save
495  *   fileName = path to output file
496  */
497 void saveToCps3Ascii(CartesianSurface surface, string fileName) {
498     File file = File(fileName, "w");
499     immutable double blank = 1e30;
500     file.writeln("FSASCI 0 1 COMPUTED 0 ", blank);
501     file.writeln("FSATTR 0 0");
502     file.writeln("FSLIMI ", 
503                 surface.m_xOrigin, " ", 
504                 surface.m_xOrigin + (surface.m_nx) * surface.m_dx, " ", 
505                 surface.m_yOrigin, " ", 
506                 surface.m_yOrigin + (surface.m_ny) * surface.m_dy, " ", 
507                 surface.m_z[surface.m_z.minIndex], " ", 
508                 surface.m_z[surface.m_z.maxIndex]);
509     file.writeln("FSNROW ", surface.m_ny, " ", surface.m_nx);
510     file.writeln("FSXINC ", surface.m_dx, " ", surface.m_dy);
511     int n = 0;
512     for (int i = 0; i < surface.nx; i++) {
513         for (int j = surface.ny - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
514             if (isNaN(surface.z[i][j]))
515                 file.write(blank);
516             else
517                 file.write(surface.z[i][j]);
518             n++;
519             if (n > 5) {
520                 n = 0;
521                 file.write("\n");
522             }
523             else {
524                 file.write(" ");
525             }
526         }
527     }
528 }
532 unittest {
533     CartesianSurface surface = new CartesianSurface;
534     surface.loadFromZmap("./test/test_pet_rect.zmap");
535     assert(surface.nx == 5);
536     assert(surface.ny == 3);
537     assert(surface.dx == 250);
538     assert(surface.dy == 500);
539     assert(surface.xOrigin == 5000);
540     assert(surface.yOrigin == 0);
541     assert(surface.z[0][0] == 1);
542     assert(surface.z[$ - 1][$ - 1] == 15);
544     //TODO test_pet_rect_blank.zmap
545     surface.loadFromZmap("./test/test_pet_sq.zmap");
546     assert(surface.nx == 3);
547     assert(surface.ny == 3);
548     assert(surface.dx == 500);
549     assert(surface.dy == 500);
550     assert(surface.xOrigin == 5000);
551     assert(surface.yOrigin == 0);
552     assert(surface.z[0][0] == 0);
553     assert(surface.z[$ - 1][$ - 1] == 8);
555     surface.loadFromZmap("./test/test_rms_sq.zmap");
556     assert(surface.nx == 3);
557     assert(surface.ny == 3);
558     assert(surface.dx == 500);
559     assert(surface.dy == 500);
560     assert(surface.xOrigin == 5000);
561     assert(surface.yOrigin == 0);
562     assert(surface.z[0][0] == 0);
563     assert(surface.z[$ - 1][$ - 1] == 8);
565     surface.loadFromZmap("./test/test_rms_rect.zmap");
566     assert(surface.nx == 5);
567     assert(surface.ny == 3);
568     assert(surface.dx == 250);
569     assert(surface.dy == 500);
570     assert(surface.xOrigin == 5000);
571     assert(surface.yOrigin == 0);
572     assert(surface.z[0][0] == 1);
573     assert(surface.z[$ - 1][$ - 1] == 15);
574 }
577 /** 
578  * Tries to detect surface format
579  * Params:
580  *   fileName = 
581  * Returns: string containing surface format. `cps` for CPS3 ASCII; 'zmap' for ZMAP+ ASCII; 'unknown' if format hasn't been detected.
582  */
583 string surfaceFormat(string fileName) {
584     File file = File(fileName, "r");
585     string format = "unknown";
586     string str = file.readln();
587     if (str.startsWith("FSASCI")) {
588         format = "cps";
589     }
590     else {
591         if (str.startsWith("!")) {      //probably zmap
592             while(str.startsWith("!")) {
593                 str = file.readln();
594             }
595             if (str.startsWith("@")) {
596                 string [] words = str.replace(",", "").split();
597                 if (words.length >= 4 && icmp(words[2], "grid") == 0)
598                     format = "zmap";
599             }
600         }
601     }
602     file.close();
603     return format;
604 }
606 unittest {
607     assert(surfaceFormat("./test/test_pet_rect.cps") == "cps");
608     assert(surfaceFormat("./test/test_pet_rect_blank.cps") == "cps");
609     assert(surfaceFormat("./test/test_pet_sq.cps") == "cps");
610     assert(surfaceFormat("./test/test_rms_rect.cps") == "cps");
611     assert(surfaceFormat("./test/test_rms_rect_blank.cps") == "cps");
612     assert(surfaceFormat("./test/test_rms_sq.cps") == "cps");
614     assert(surfaceFormat("./test/test_pet_rect.zmap") == "zmap");
615     assert(surfaceFormat("./test/test_pet_rect_blank.zmap") == "zmap");
616     assert(surfaceFormat("./test/test_pet_sq.zmap") == "zmap");
617     assert(surfaceFormat("./test/test_rms_rect.zmap") == "zmap");
618     assert(surfaceFormat("./test/test_rms_rect_blank.zmap") == "zmap");
619     assert(surfaceFormat("./test/test_rms_sq.zmap") == "zmap");
620 }
622 /**
623 * Samples height map to `surface` using height map from the given `source`
624 */
625 void sampleFromSurface(CartesianSurface surface, CartesianSurface source) {
626     for (int i = 0; i < surface.nx; i++) {
627         for (int j = 0; j < surface.ny; j++) {
628             surface.z[i][j] = source.getZ(surface.xOrigin + i * surface.dx, surface.yOrigin + j * surface.dy);
629         }
630     }
631 }
633 /** 
634  * Translates the given surface
635  * Params:
636  *   surface = surface to translate
637  *   dx = translation value along X direction
638  *   dy = translation value along Y direction
639  * Returns: translated surface for more convenient call chaining
640  */
641 CartesianSurface translate(CartesianSurface surface, double dx, double dy) {
642     surface.m_xOrigin += dx;
643     surface.m_yOrigin += dy;
644     return surface;
645 }
647 /** 
648  * Scales the given surface around it's origin point
649  * Params:
650  *   surface = surface to scale
651  *   xf = scale factor along X direction
652  *   xf = scale factor value along Y direction
653  * Returns: translated surface for more convenient call chaining
654  */
655 CartesianSurface scale(CartesianSurface surface, double xf, double yf) {  //scales around origin point
656     //TODO filter negative factors
657     surface.m_dx *= xf;
658     surface.m_dy *= yf;
659     return surface;
660 }
662 CartesianSurface normalize(CartesianSurface surface) {
663     immutable double zmax = surface.m_z[surface.m_z.maxIndex];
664     immutable double zmin = surface.m_z[surface.m_z.minIndex];
665     surface.m_z[] -= zmin;
666     surface.m_z[] /= zmax;
667     return surface;
668 }
670 unittest {
671     //TODO implement
672 }
674 //TODO flipAnlogI/flipAlongJ