Default constructor, doesn't allocate memory for height map
Copy constructor, returns the exact copy of the given surface
Returns cell index from a given X coordinate. Maximum number is nx - 1 Returns -1 if a given coordinate is outside the surface
Returns cell index from a given Y coordinate. Maximum number is ny - 1 Returns -1 if a given coordinate is outside the surface
Returns surface increment (cell size) along X axis
Returns surface increment (cell size) along Y axis
Returns z value of a point with given coordinate using bilinear interpolation
Returns true if point with given coordinates is inside surface boundaries, otherwise returns false
Returns number of nodes along X axis
Returns number of nodes along Y axis
Operators +, -, *, / overloading for a surface and a fixed value
Operators +, -, *, / overloading for two surfaces
Operators +=, -=, *=, /= overloading for two surfaces
Operators +=, -=, *=, /= overloading for a surface and a fixed value
Sets surface header and allocates surface memory
Returns X coordinate of surface origin
Returns Y coordinate of surface origin
Method to access height map.
Class CartesianSurface represents regular rectangular-cell surface